Controlling on our Temper
Once a boy lived in a village . He had a very bad habit that he had no control on his temper.One day his father gave him a bag of nails and said him that when you will not have control on your temper , you have to hammer a nail in the fence.
The next day , boy hammered 37 nails in the fence . But day by day , the number of nails were still decreasing. And he was getting control on his temper. Finally , the boy had full control on his temper .
He went to his father and said that now I have full control on my temper . The father said that now go back and put out all the nails from the fence .The boy did this and went back to the father . Now the father led the boy to the fence and saw him the holes in the fence, and told him that it would never be recovered now. And the things you say anyone in anger , it leaves a scar on him. If you put a knife in a man and draw it then it does not matter that how many times you say sorry to him, would will be still there.
We should control our temper because it may hurt someone so much . And usually we don't know it.