The Motivational and Inspirational Story of Honda Company 

This is a great story of the owner of Honda company Soichiro Honda. He was a great personality and a very hardworking man.

   He was born on 17 November 1906 in Japan. His father was an ironsmith. Their family business was to buy old bicycles and sell them after repairing. Soichiro Honda also helped his father in this work.

   He was not much interested in studying, so at the age of 16, he left school and started working with his father full time.

  After a few days, he went to Tokyo as a mechanic in a car company. Due to his underage, they gave him a job cleaning cars. He was not satisfied with it and one day he said to the owner of the company to let him learn the work as a car mechanic. He was given permission to work in the second firm of this branch to work as a mechanic. He learned the work very fast and he became an expert mechanic.

   The name of the company in which Soichiro was working was Shokai. This company was not much famous. On 23 November 1924, when it won the "All Japan racing championship", it became the most famous car in Japan. The mechanic of this car was Soichiro Honda. It was the great success of honda that at the age of 21, he was given the responsibility of one branch of that car company.

   At the age of 28, he left this company and came back home. He made a small workshop here and started repairing cars. Later, he tired of this work and started a new business. He started making piston rings and made a small company. He contacted many big companies to buy their product and sooner Toyota gave him a big order. Then he started selling piston rings to this company. 

    Unfortunately, honda had a great car accident and he spent 4 months in a hospital. Within these days, due to defective pistons, Toyota terminated the contract. It was a great problem for Soichiro. After his recovery, he again started work making pistons.     Due to the second world war, his factory destroyed. This was the time when he became full helpless. Japan was badly defeated in the second world war. Soichiro Honda sells his company and from that money, he opened the "Honda Techincal Research Institute". The economy of Japan was collapsed. People had no source of transportation.

   Honda made a plan. He simply joined an engine with a cycle. It was the first product of the Soichiro Honda and Honda company. It was much liked by people. A lot of people bought it. Its price was only 1500 rupees. It was the first success of the Honda company and in 1949, Soichiro Honda changed the name of the company from "Honda Techincal research Institute" to "Honda Motor Company".This year, Honda introduced 2 Stroke bikes. From this time, the company was making much progress. In 1961, this company was included in the world's biggest company. In this year, this company started making 1 lac motorcycle in one month.  In 1968, this production was replaced to 10 lacs. 

Sooner, this company started making cars and they made many beautiful and attractive cars.

    The secret behind his success was that he also worked with workers and gave their workers a lot of respect. He died on 5 august 1991 at the age of 84.

    The lesson we learn from this is that we should never give up due to our circumstances but we should try again and again to change our circumstances. We should work hard for our success because failure is not final.